Disclaimer: This article is not
interference in the work of Central / State Government, Election Commission,
Court or any political parties and not intended to harm anyone and doesn’t
represent any political party or person. All the information and content
provided in this article is published in good faith and for educational
purposes only. The author will not be liable for any losses or damages from the
display or use of this information. This article is written in gain of no
benefit instead to demonstrate the precise level of explanation which can be
achieved by studying astrology scientifically (KP Astrology).
Indian democracy has
been highly respected across the world. Election Commission is the
constitutional authority for the administration of election processes in India.
If we look at the definition of democracy – “Public governance by the public”.
The term ‘democracy’ emerged from Greek word ‘demos’ means “common people” and
‘kratos’ means “strength”. Thus, democracy’s major key is in the hands of the
Indian democracy has
been seen with respect. This is all made possible because of the unity and
integrity of the people of India. People have started understanding the right
to vote. By giving votes, people will choose the government to rule but the
responsibility of conducting and leading this work with complete transparency
has been given to Election Commission. Former Chief Election Commissioner Shri.
T. N. Seshan’s tenure and work cannot be forgotten in the history of democracy.
Commission is an independent and supreme institutional body of our country. Its
dignity is ours dignity. To conduct fair elections, is the prime responsibility
of the Election Commission. In the past, when elections were done by ballot
paper, there was a lot of paper work used and elections used to be very
expensive. It used to take several days to announce the results as well. To overcome this and in the world of technology, Election Commission decided to
choose “EVM” (Electronic Voting Machine) instead of ballot paper.
Various political
parties have expressed doubts about the EVM machine related to election
fairness and few scholars went to court as well. Election Commission has also
been questioned. Election Commission has presented EVM as the best voting
machine in the world which can’t be hacked or tampered but the Political
parties didn’t accept. Then, Election Commission organized an EVM challenge on
3rd June 2017 to eradicate the suspicion of voting transfer from EVM
machine. For which, only two political parties decided to take part.
Election Commission
decided the time as morning 10 AM on 3rd June 2017 to conduct the
It was Saturday that
day and when I came to know about the challenge time as 10 AM, a strange doubt
has stirred up my mind. It was a beginning of a very important work and
critical task by Election Commission to answer the questions being raised and
to save the dignity of our democracy in the world. But to begin the above
challenge on Saturday 10 AM morning, means starting it in “Rahukaal”.
I always provide
information about ‘Rahukaal’ to my students and people here because very few
people from North India know about its importance. According to the ancient
information, it is said that during the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan)
performed between the Gods (Devas) and the demons (Asuras), when Lord Vishnu
(in the form of Mohini) distributing the nectar (Amrit) to the deities, a
monster/Asura disguised himself as a deity (Deva) and drank some nectar. Thus,
this particular time has been considered as “Rahukaal” as the nectar which was
supposed to be received by deities but demon also got. In simple words, we can
also say that during this time - we expect something to happen but the reverse
of it or something else happens. I’ve experienced it several times. You can
also take experience by starting any auspicious work in the ‘Rahukaal’.
So, to start the
above challenge in the ‘Rahukaal’ implying that no one will receive benefit in
the whole challenge or process. There will not be any result of this challenge.
I was feeling sad about this and when my patience broke down, I took help of
K.P. Astrology. Although neither the Election Commission nor the political
parties were considering it as a win or defeat. They were only trying to
address the problem. But according to me, the word ‘Challenge’ includes defeat
or victory, or the whole case will remain inconclusive (similar to a ‘draw’
situation in a Cricket match). With complete concentration, I’ve penned down
the question – “Who will win this EVM Challenge today or will it remain
One is ‘Rahukaal’
which signifies the result to be inconclusive, let’s us examine this from the
below chart details now:
Date of Judgement: 3rd
June 2016 Time: 12:45:38 PM IST
Jaipur (Rajasthan, India) 75 E 42, 26 N 56
![]() |
of the query:
The moon is
posited in the 11th house (desire house), its one sign is
in 10th house. The tenth house is the house of
prestige. This is the government house also. It signifies here my wish to
maintain the honor and dignity in any manner. Moon is in the Sun's star. The
sun itself is in the 8th house which is also telling the sadness for
me. It is also clarifying my desire due to one of its sign in the 11th house.
I have
chosen 9th house for the Ascendant of the Election Commission and in
front of it, the 3rd house has been considered for Asc. of political
parties. Even after rotating the chart and inspecting the Asc. of both EC
and Political parties, the question remains correct. Hence, we can say
that this chart is accurate for the further analysis.
of Desire:
If we examine only
the Dasas, we get the answer. At the time of judgement, it was running the
Dasha of Sun, Bhukti of Ketu, Antra of Rahu and Sookshma of Mars. All are
giving information about indecision. Analysis of Third, Sixth and Eleventh
houses of Election Commission and political parties charts providing the
remaining information.
Furthermore, Election
Commission chart’s 6th house Sub-star lord is Sun who is posited in the star of
Moon. Whereas Political parties chart’s 6th house sub-star lord Moon is posited
in the star of Sun. When studying both in the charts, it is clear that no
one will receive any benefit in this challenge.
Since the matter is
also currently going on under the court, it cannot be clarified at this time,
but the result of the EVM challenge of that day is known which was later
clarified by the Election Commission in the press conference.
by yourself the Press Conference by Election Commission of India:
News Reference: D.D. News
In the end, I request to our Central Government and the State Government,
the Election Commission and various political parties that they will maintain
the reputation of our democracy in the world and will resolve this case as soon
as possible in the good faith of our country.
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