Wednesday 14 September 2016

Utility bills – An astrological outlook

Disclaimer: The views, information and opinions expressed in this article are not intended to harm anyone and do not necessarily reflect the views of any official agency or person. All the information and content provided in this article are published in good faith and for educational purposes only. The author will not be liable for any losses or damages from the display or use of this information. This article has been written to demonstrate the precise level of explanation which can be achieved by studying astrology scientifically (KP Astrology).

In our daily life we all must have faced impacts due to the delays and unresponsive behavior by government officials in providing our utility bills. Most of the times, it reaches just before or after due date and consumer has to pay for the delay. Having said that, recently one of the incident happened with me also.

I received a SMS on July 3rd 2016 from JVVNL (Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. – an Electricity Board Office of Rajasthan) stating payable bill amount and the due date as July 14th 2016. Usually if consumer will get a message like this, he will start waiting for the bill from the next day onwards to avoid any delay penalty.

We had also started waiting and hadn’t received the bill till 11th July 2016. We started feeling worried and couldn’t go for a day out also since it could come any time. In such situation, an idea popped up in my mind to take help of K.P. astrology theory.

Question: On which date will we receive our power bill?

Date of Judgement: 11th July 2016     Time: 09:59:32 hrs. IST           Place: Jaipur (Raj.)



Sa (R)
Day Lord

Total RPs: Su, Ve, Me, Mo and Sa (R)

On 11th July 2016 (Monday), Moon was the day lord and it was also part of the RPs. It is in the Virgo sign (Sign lord is Mercury) and Hasta star (Star lord is Moon itself) and sub lord is Saturn (R). Here Moon is in its own star therefore we will look at the Sub-lord for the result. If we select sub-lord i.e. Saturn but due to retrogression Saturn will also not give result. Hence we can reject the date 11th July 2016 as there is no possibility of receiving the bill.

Let’s move further and examine the conditions on next day 12th July 2016 (Tuesday). Day lord is Mars but it is not present in our list of RPs. So we can say we won’t receive bill on Tuesday also but we had received another SMS due to Moon in the Mercury sign (significant of dual nature and communication).

Now look at next date - 13th July 2016 (Wednesday). Day lord is Mercury and it is also present under RPs. So we can assure that we will receive bill on Wednesday.

Let’s determine the time:

In our RPs, the remaining balance planets are Sun and Venus. On 13th July 2016 at 11:00 AM, Virgo Ascendant was running. After Virgo, Libra ascendant will take place whose Sign lord is Venus. Venus is present under the RPs. Hence we can say that we will get the bill in Libra ascendant. In Libra sign, there are three stars: Chitra (Star lord Mars), Swati (Star lord Rahu) and Vishakha (Star lord Jupiter). Mars and Jupiter are not present under RPs hence we will get the bill in the Rahu star of Libra ascendant.

Libra ascendant starts at 13:00 hrs approximately and it will cover the Mars area in 6 deg. 40 min. Let’s assume it to 7 deg. for easy calculation. Since 1 deg. = 4 min, 7x4 = 28 min. or 13:28 hrs. Hence, we will get the bill on 13th July 2016 post around 13:28 hrs.

We had received the bill on 13th July 2016 at 13:30 – 14:00 hrs. The closing time to deposit the bill is up to 2 PM, hence we had to deposit the bill on last day 14th July 2016.

I hope this case study will help you in understanding the benefit of KP astrology to determine the resolution date and time for an awaiting work or task and also helps to reduce the impact (stress) of it on our daily lives.

I would also like to request the government officials with the help of this article:
  • All responsible leaders and administrators of Government of Rajasthan should take strict measures in this direction.
  • JVVNL – Jaipur (Raj.) should improve the current process and make the consumers stress free by providing the bill considering the margin amount of the due period.

In addition to this, keep visiting our page LearnKPAstrology and watch this space to know more about the benefits of this science and how it can help us in various fields.

Happy Learning!

Monday 11 July 2016

Weather Forecast

Well, this incident occurred during the extreme summer season of the year June 2014 in Rajasthan. With the rising temperature, people were suffering badly and had left out their hopes of having rain eventually.

Thinking about the same, one day I got chance to discuss about this problem with one of my student. I briefed him about the hot topic of rain in the news and how can we take help of astrology in the event of rain. But as it was cloudy that day I told him not to predict or calculate as other people might consider this simply co-incidence due to the presence of clouds in the sky. Therefore, I told him to determine the same for the next day (17-Jun-2014).

Example-1: Will it rain on 17-Jun-2014? If yes, then at what time of the day?

Date of Judgement: 16-Jun-2014              Time: 21:16:35                   Place: Jaipur

Sa (R)
Sa (R)
Day Lord

Total RP’s: Sa(R), Su and Mo

The day lord of the next day 17-Jun-2014 was Mars. But Mars was not present in the list of above mentioned Ruling Planets. Hence as a result it will not rain on 17-Jun-2014.

Result: It didn’t rain on 17-Jun-2014.

Example-2: On 18-Jun-2014, we had again questioned – Will it rain on 19-June-2014? If yes, then at what time of the day?

Date of Judgement: 18-Jun-2014              Time: 20:30:00                   Place: Jaipur

Sa (R)
Day Lord
Me (R)

Total RP’s: Ju, Ve, Sa(R), Ra and Me(R)

Next day’s (19-Jun-2014) day lord Jupiter was present in the above mentioned ruling planets. Hence, it was decided that it will rain on 19-Jun-2014. Now we’re required to determine at what time of the day rain will happen.

Let’s analysis this in detail:
At the time of judgement, Moon was running in Aquarius sign of retrograde Saturn and star of Rahu. After star of Rahu, it will move to Jupiter’s star in the same Aquarius sign but rain will not happen till that time because Moon was running in the sign of Retrograde Saturn. It will reach to the star of Jupiter and Pisces sign (This is Watery Sign also) after 5:00 PM of the next day (19-Jun-2014). The sign lord of Pisces is Jupiter and it was present in the list of above mentioned ruling planets.
Based on the above analysis, we decided that it will rain on 19-Jun-2014 but post 5:00 PM in the evening.

Next day’s Newspaper states that it rained on 19-Jun-2014 Thursday’s evening.

Reference: Rajasthan Patrika, Jaipur

I hope this case study will help you to understand the benefit of Astro-Science in the field of weather forecasting with its precise calculation i.e. we can even find the time of the day it rains. It can also be helpful in the field of agriculture for our respectful farmers. For more benefits, please share your views and opinions in the below comment section.

In addition to this, keep visiting our page Learn KP Astrology and watch this space to know more about the benefits of this science and how it can help us in various fields.

Happy Learning!

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Find Moon

First of all, we’d like to thank everyone who has read the quiz recently posted on our LearnKPAstrology page and we extend our special thanks to those who have responded and participated.

For your convenience, the question we asked on 10th April’16:
On this auspicious day of year, Moon is throwing a party today at 11:30 PM IST. You all are cordially invited. Suppose you are standing at Long-75E44 Lat-26N56, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India) and following are the planetary details at 18:48:55 HRS IST:

Sun Pis 27-01-45 (D-M-S)
Moon Tau 10-26-06
Mar Sco 14-32-33
Mer Ari 14-03-50
Jup(R) Leo 20-26-32
Ven Pis 11-55-18
Sat(R) Sco 22-07-11
Rah Leo 27-24-06
Ket Aqu 27-24-06

Sunrise: 06:08:01 HRS | Sunset: 18:48:55 HRS
Where will you find moon in the sky at the exact given time (11:30 PM IST)?

But here’s the secret. Moon is feeling sad. She has invited everyone all over the world and approx. 3500 people got invitation letter. Out of which 160 people liked it but only 2 people have actually responded to her invitation within the given time. Our host (moon) has got hurt now as all of her party decoration and arrangement got wasted.


Let’s prove this and also determine the solution:

It was an educational quiz. Only two known facts to be considered in order to find out the answer:
  1. Moon’s rotation around earth
  2. Earth’s rotation on its axis

Let’s see Earth’s rotation first:

As we all know our Earth completes one round on its axis in 23 hrs 56 min 4 sec which results in the formation of day and night.

For the simplicity of calculation, let’s consider this figure as 24 hrs (also as per our clock). Hence,
One round to complete 360 degree = 24 hrs
In minutes = 24 x 60 = 1440 min.
1 degree = 4 min
i.e. Earth takes 4 min to complete 1 degree on its axis

Now let’s understand from the below diagram the position of Sun and Moon at the time of sunset from the earth’s surface:

Sunset time 18:48:55 hrs
Sun in Pis 27D:01M:45S (at the sunset point S)
Moon in Tau 10D:26M:06S (at the sky point M)
As we know Earth rotates on its axis and Moon rotates around Earth from West to East direction.
Remember, Earth is taking 4 min to complete 1 degree and for the simplicity of calculation, consider Moon takes 2 hrs to complete 1 degree (Approx. Moon completes 12 to 15 degrees in 24 hrs).

Now we have to study rotation of both Earth and Moon to proceed further:
Time taken by Earth to reach Point M of Moon from sunset Point S:
3 degrees of Pis left
30 degrees of Aries
10 degrees of Tau (Let’s round-off and consider Moon 10 deg. in Tau and Sun 27 deg. in Pis)
i.e. Total time taken by Earth from sunset Point S to reach Point M by rotating on its axis is:
Total distance: 3 deg. + 30 deg. + 10 deg. = 43 deg.
Time: 43 deg x 4 min = 172 mins (as 1 deg. = 4 min)
Or, 2 hrs 52 mins
If we add this to sunset time (18:48 hrs), results 21:40 hrs or 9:40 PM IST

Hence, Moon will be around sunset Point S at 9:40 PM. To get more detailed picture, we can also add Moon’s rotation time as it will also cover approx. 2-3 deg. in 2 hrs 52 min.

But Moon has invited us to party at night 11:30 PM. It means till 11:30 PM, Earth will continue rotates on its axis and Moon will also move from sunset Point S (West) towards North direction of Earth which is downside.

Hence, the correct answer is: Moon will not be visible in the sky at 11:30 PM from the given location Jaipur, Rajasthan, India with Long. 75|44 E and Lat. 26|56 N. It means she invited us at 11:30 PM for party but got absconded. Enjoy now!

Happy Learning!